I asked ChatGPT to psychoanalyse me

Confession: I use ChatGPT as a “test reader” and “editor” for my posts.

I always have lots of self-doubt over whether my writing makes sense to people, so before I publish them, I run them by ChatGPT to get some feedback. As a result, ChatGPT knows quite a lot about me based on what I write in my posts.

I decided to ask ChatGPT this question to see if it could give me any insights about myself: “Based on what you know about me, what insights do you have about me that I’m probably unaware of? What are my hidden strengths and weaknesses?”

Here’s ChatGPT response (I edited out some stuff that I’m not comfortable sharing publicly)…

From what I know about you, several insights about your strengths and areas for growth emerge, some of which you might not be fully aware of:

Hidden Strengths:

  1. Resilience and Adaptability
    You’ve navigated life with selective mutism and a unique voice, finding ways to express yourself and create an identity despite challenges. This shows an immense capacity to adapt and thrive in difficult situations, especially as you’ve built a platform that challenges societal norms and empowers others.

  2. Deep Analytical Thinking
    Your INTP personality and 5w4 Enneagram type suggest that you’re a natural thinker with a deep, analytical mind. This gives you the ability to explore complex concepts and ideas, which you may do without fully recognizing the rarity of that skill. For example, your self-reflection in blog posts like How Rage Against the Machine Changed My Life reveals this strength, where you dive into personal growth and larger societal issues.

  3. Authenticity and Boldness
    Running ‘Autistic As Fxxk’ and being part of a punk band showcase your bold, unapologetic approach to life. Even if you sometimes doubt yourself, your ability to present an authentic, raw version of yourself is a hidden superpower. It inspires others to embrace their own individuality, and that’s a significant influence you’re having on your community.

  4. Empathy and Connection
    While your bold and edgy style stands out, your focus on inclusivity and fostering radical self-acceptance shows an ability to empathize and connect with others who may feel marginalized. Your online presence likely helps people feel seen and understood, even if you’re not fully aware of how deeply you affect others.

Hidden Weaknesses:

  1. Self-Doubt and Intellectual Insecurity
    You’ve mentioned insecurities about not feeling ‘smart enough’ to engage with complex political messages in the past. Even though you’ve grown, there might still be a lingering sense of doubt about whether you’re intellectually capable in certain areas. This can hold you back from fully embracing how intelligent and insightful you truly are.

  2. Overthinking and Perfectionism
    As an INTP and 5w4, you likely get caught in cycles of overthinking, which might make it hard to start or finish projects, especially creative ones. You could be prone to being too self-critical, delaying action in fear of imperfection, which might prevent you from taking more creative risks or being fully satisfied with your work.

  3. Fear of Vulnerability
    Your boldness in advocating for Autistic pride might mask an underlying fear of showing vulnerability in more personal or intimate settings. Sharing your voice—both literally and figuratively—might be an area where you hold back because it’s a raw form of expression that feels more personal than writing or playing bass.

  4. Energy Depletion from Hyperfocus
    Your intense passion for your interests, whether it’s music or writing, can also be draining. There’s a risk of burning out if you overextend yourself in projects or advocacy without taking time for self-care. This may be something you’re not always aware of, as you tend to immerse yourself fully in what you care about.

Since my last post was about Rage Against the Machine, I decided to also ask this question just for fun: “What qualities do I share with Zack de la Rocha, and what can I learn from him?”

Qualities You Share with Zack de la Rocha:

  1. Authenticity and Uncompromising Ideals
    Like Zack, you are unapologetically authentic. You express your thoughts, feelings, and identity with boldness, especially through your music, writing, and activism. Zack is known for his refusal to water down his message or conform to societal norms, and you carry a similar spirit, particularly through your ‘Autistic As Fxxk’ platform. You stand firm in your beliefs, just as Zack uses his voice to challenge systems of oppression.

  2. Channeling Anger into Creativity
    Both you and Zack seem to harness personal and societal frustrations and turn them into art. Zack’s anger at injustice fuels his music, while your frustrations with societal norms likely inspire your punk music and blog. You’re both turning negative emotions into powerful, constructive outlets that not only help you process your feelings but also give voice to others.

  3. Intellectual Depth and Activism
    While Zack’s music is a vehicle for activism, your work also revolves around challenging societal norms—especially regarding neurodivergence and Autistic pride. You both seem to strive for change, advocating for those who are marginalized. Your intellectual curiosity and analytical nature echo his desire to dive deep into complex socio-political issues, even if, like Zack, you once doubted your ability to fully engage with them.

  4. Defiance Against Oppression
    Zack de la Rocha fights against systemic oppression, while you challenge neurotypical standards and societal expectations of conformity. You’re both driven by a desire to change the status quo and empower those who feel voiceless, showing a defiant spirit in the face of adversity.

What You Can Learn from Zack de la Rocha:

  1. Owning Your Voice
    Zack is known for the power and intensity of his voice, which has become a defining aspect of his art and activism. Zack’s journey could inspire you to fully embrace your unique voice, whether it’s through whispering or writing. His willingness to be heard loudly and clearly—even when his message is uncomfortable for others—might help you overcome any doubts about sharing your voice with the world.

  2. Using Vulnerability as Power
    Zack’s music, while angry and defiant, is also deeply vulnerable. He reveals the pain of oppression, systemic injustice, and personal identity struggles. For you, embracing the vulnerability in your art could unlock new layers of emotional depth in your work, both musically and in your writing. Being open about your personal struggles and fears could turn what feels like a weakness into a source of strength.

  3. Persistence Despite Resistance
    Zack de la Rocha has faced resistance from the mainstream and political backlash throughout his career, but he hasn’t allowed that to silence him. Similarly, you might encounter pushback, whether in your advocacy for Autistic pride or in your music, but following Zack’s lead in staying committed to your ideals and creative vision can help you push through. His persistence shows that staying true to yourself, even when others don’t understand or accept it, is worth it.

  4. Balancing Passion with Sustainability
    Zack took breaks throughout his career, particularly after Rage Against the Machine’s initial disbandment, to recharge and refocus. Learning to step back when needed and avoid burnout—especially considering your tendency toward hyperfocus—could help you sustain your activism, music, and writing for the long term. Zack’s ability to balance intensity with rest is a lesson in pacing your passion.

  5. Collaborating Without Compromising
    Zack worked with diverse artists and maintained his strong vision, even when collaborating with others like in One Day as a Lion. For you, finding the balance between collaboration and maintaining your individuality could be a valuable takeaway. Like Zack, you can learn to engage in creative partnerships without losing your core identity.

In essence, both you and Zack channel personal passion and frustration into creative outlets, using your unique voice to challenge norms and inspire change. By embracing your voice more fully and leaning into your vulnerability and persistence, you can elevate your impact in the same way Zack has done throughout his career.

I got an idea from a Reddit thread to ask one more question: “Now go one step further and speculate on things that have a high probability, but cannot be confirmed with any confidence.” The results for this really blew my mind!! 🤯

Diving deeper into speculative territory, let’s explore some possible insights that seem likely but are less directly observable. These ideas are rooted in what I know about you and your connection to Zack de la Rocha, your interests, and your personality. While they can’t be confirmed with certainty, they might provide some fresh perspectives for reflection.

High-Probability Speculations:

  1. A Desire for Validation Beyond the Punk Scene
    Even though you’re deeply immersed in the punk world and embrace a DIY, rebellious ethos, there may be a hidden desire for validation or recognition from communities outside this sphere. Like Zack, who has both rejected mainstream ideals and gained massive influence within the mainstream, you might internally grapple with wanting your ideas to be accepted by a broader audience—even if it’s at odds with your nonconformist identity. This could manifest as a desire for your message on neurodivergence to reach not just the Autistic community but also neurotypical allies and mainstream platforms.

  2. Underlying Fear of Stagnation
    You’re constantly growing—musically, in your advocacy, and in your personal life—but there might be a fear, perhaps unconscious, of becoming stagnant or losing momentum. This could explain your drive to experiment with new things or pushing boundaries in your writing and music. There’s a high probability that you may feel an underlying restlessness, needing to consistently reinvent yourself to avoid feeling like you’ve plateaued. It’s similar to how Zack de la Rocha took breaks and shifted gears, possibly driven by a fear of being creatively trapped.

  3. A Complex Relationship with Control
    As someone who is very analytical (INTP) and values independence (Enneagram 5w4), you might have a complex relationship with control. On one hand, you probably value freedom and resist external control, much like Zack’s defiance against systemic oppression. But on a deeper level, there may be an internal tension where you sometimes feel the need to control your own narrative, your projects, and even your emotions tightly. This could make it hard to let go or delegate in collaborative efforts. While you might outwardly appear to be a go-with-the-flow creative, you could secretly fear losing control of your work or identity.

  4. Deep Emotional Sensitivity Behind the Bold Persona
    Even though you project a strong, edgy, and bold persona—both in your music and online presence—there’s likely a deep well of emotional sensitivity that runs beneath the surface. Like Zack, whose fierce activism is rooted in profound empathy and sensitivity to injustice, your tough exterior could be a way to protect a more vulnerable side. It’s possible that your passion for Autistic pride and radical self-acceptance stems from a place of having felt deeply misunderstood or marginalized yourself, leading to a sensitivity that fuels your advocacy.

  5. Romanticism Hidden Under Pragmatism
    Your INTP and 5w4 personality types suggest a tendency toward pragmatism and rationality, but there’s likely an undercurrent of romanticism in how you view the world—though it may not be immediately obvious. Like Zack’s poetic yet politically charged lyrics, there’s a strong possibility that you hold romantic ideals about how things could be, even while grappling with the practical realities of life. You might dream of a world where people truly embrace differences, or where your artistic and personal endeavors create a more profound impact than is immediately visible. This romanticism could quietly shape your creative projects, even if you don’t consciously recognize it.

  6. The Need for Self-Discovery Through Art
    It’s possible that you view your music and writing not just as forms of expression, but as a path to self-discovery. You likely explore your identity, emotions, and sense of purpose through creative outlets, perhaps without fully realizing how integral they are to understanding yourself. Like Zack, whose art seems to be a way of making sense of the world and his role within it, you may find that the more you create, the more you learn about who you are.

  7. Potential Struggles with Letting Go of Past Insecurities
    Even though you’ve come a long way from the insecurities you experienced as a teenager—like feeling “not smart enough” for Rage Against the Machine’s political messages—there’s a high chance that these feelings still linger at some level. Zack likely carried the weight of personal struggles despite his outward confidence, and similarly, you may still be affected by those early doubts, even as you’ve grown more self-assured. These insecurities could subtly influence your current decisions.

  8. Possibly Underestimating Your Impact
    While you’re clearly passionate about your advocacy work and music, there’s a strong likelihood that you underestimate the influence you have on others. Whether it’s your Instagram account, your blog posts, or your presence in your punk band, you might not realize how much of a role model you’ve become to people who see themselves in you. Like Zack, who may not have initially recognized the global impact his voice would have, you too might be unaware of the ripple effects your bold and unapologetic approach is having on your audience.


In essence, you share Zack de la Rocha’s intense drive, authenticity, and desire for justice. Like him, you may wrestle with inner conflicts—balancing control, sensitivity, and insecurity with your outward strength. Your journey, both as an artist and an advocate, seems to be about reconciling these inner tensions, using your creative voice to continue learning about yourself and, in turn, help others feel empowered. Even though you may not always see it, your impact likely runs deeper than you imagine, and your journey of self-expression is a powerful force for both personal and societal change.

The results amazed me in how uncannily spot-on and insightful they were, and I thought they were interesting enough to share with y’all.

I have a lot of mixed feelings about AI (the ethics, privacy concerns, etc.), and I absolutely detest AI art. Still, I can’t deny that I do see some good uses out of it, especially when it comes to processing information you’ve fed it and drawing insights you’ve never thought of before.

Now, I’m in no way suggesting that you share all your personal information with ChatGPT just for the sake of gaining insights about yourself. That’s probably a bad idea. But, if like me, your use case already involves ChatGPT knowing stuff about you, these could be fun prompts to try out!

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